Salina, KS – CKF Addiction Treatment (CKF) has been awarded a second round of funding of
$200,000 from Kansas Fights Addiction Funding to create a model of care to serve an adolescent
population that currently lacks identification, referral to care, and care engagement opportunities.
This model of care will serve adolescents aged 12-17 via telehealth.
Teen overdose deaths have nearly doubled since 2010, based on data posted by the CDC. In
Kansas, there are only two residential treatment facilities for teenagers with a total of 20 beds
available. 12 of those beds are for male patients aged 16-17 only. Facilities in Kansas offering
adolescent outpatient addiction treatment are few and far between, with most options in urban
and suburban areas of the state. Even then, not all individuals needing care can access that care
consistently due to any number of barriers that exist.
Kansans currently have greater access to addiction health care than they have had at any point in the
past, and this is because options exist that utilize technology as a solution.
“Having an adolescent treatment model delivered via telehealth will further extend the positive
effects we have seen from the loosening of telehealth rules in the addiction treatment field. We
will also be connecting with a population that is the most adept at using technology to connect to
resources and access the world around them,” said Shane Hudson, CEO & President of CKF.