Referring to CKF
Referring to CKF
CKF Addiction Treatment offers services in traditional office locations and also through telehealth services across the state. Professional agencies can refer someone to CKF to receive services.

When referring someone to CKF Addiction Treatment, please have information ready about the individual you are referring at the time of the phone call.
Any time you are able to have that individual present with you please do so. Information that we will need to know in order to assist with discussing available services is substances being used, quantity of the substance being used, frequency of the substance use, pregnancy status, and IV drug use history.

Additional Information
Additionally, we will need to know the following information to put the patient into our electronic health record: name, address, phone number, date of birth, and social security number (if available). CKF does offer email referral options as well and is active in some community referral networks via IRIS.

We are here to make your first step towards recovery a little bit easier.
Please call 785-825-6224 today if you would like to refer an individual to services or would like to discuss streamlining the referral process.