2022 Annual Report

Annual Report 2022

CKF Addiction Treatment was founded in 1967 to assist individuals struggling with addiction and substance use. We have done great things as an agency to connect with individuals who seek our services. However, those with addiction largely continue to be shunned by society and die invisibly all around us every day. We have not accomplished what we set out to do until all of those with addiction are understood as humans suffering from a chronic disease who deserve compassion from society and quality care from the healthcare system. I believe we must stop allowing the system to change at its own rate because that rate is much too slow, and each moment that passes is a moment that allows someone from our community to die needlessly. We would not stand for it if a patient with any other chronic illness were slipping through the cracks in such a way. Yet, we know it happens every day to those with addiction and are not doing enough as a system of care.

There are caring individuals within the health care system. However, the system as a whole does not consistently and cohesively invest in early detection of moderate to high-risk substance use, health care does not consistently and cohesively ensure that those needing services receive those services, and health care does not provide long-term follow-up care to those with addiction who will be managing it for the rest of their lives. CKF Addiction Treatment is, and will continue, fighting for those who deserve these changes in the health care system the most – those who are suffering and fighting for their lives. CKF Addiction Treatment will find every opportunity to change the system of care by aligning with the health care system and making changes from within.

– Shane Hudson, President & CEO


Agency Highlights

  • Placed Peer Mentor services
    onsite at several locations in
    Saline County.
  • Numerous presentations were held
    at conferences and webinars for
    clinics, hospitals, hospital networks,
    and the KU ECHO series.
  • Held a Color Run and Pancake
    Breakfast to celebrate National
    Recovery Month in September
  • Continued to expand clinic partner
    sites throughout the state as part
    of CKF’s primary care medical
    integration efforts. CKF Addiction
    Treatment has partnerships with 9
    sites in Colby, Fredonia, Hays,
    Hoxie, Junction City, Lakin, Salina,
    Seneca, and Topeka.


To read the full Annual Report click the link below.

Annual Report 2022