A Story from a Bridgehouse Patient
At age 37, Molly broke free from her heroin addiction
and is living in recovery.
Molly began her journey through CKF’s unique Bridgehouse Program on November 24, 2021. “The day I showed up, I only had two bags of everything I owned, and I was scared,” Molly shared. The Bridgehouse staff welcomed her, and they helped Molly move into her apartment and immediately started her treatment plan. Molly was required to meet weekly with her counselor and recovery coach, as well as attend group sessions with other women. Not only did Bridgehouse help Molly manage her addiction, but they also provided her with food assistance, personal development, access to community resources, and life skills classes. “I started going to craft class on Fridays and really found an outlet. I learned how to express myself in a healthier way,” said Molly. Molly also enrolled in the financial literacy program. “It was one of the missing pieces to my recovery,” she said. “I learned how to fix my credit, save money and be responsible with the money I worked hard for. I will tell you before recovery I only worried about my street credit,” Molly said jokingly.
After her stay at Bridgehouse, Molly moved to transitional housing, where she continued meeting with her counselor and began working full-time at Sonic. Her next step in recovery was to save enough money to move out on her own and continue to pay off old debt. Molly volunteers at her church, and every Friday, she comes back to Bridgehouse to help with craft class. “It keeps me grounded and humble. I only want to help the next person and show them that healing, and recovery is possible. My faith, hard work, friends, and Bridgehouse helped me get to where I am today. Bridgehouse gave me the start to my foundation of recovery. They gave me a helping hand I couldn’t give myself,” Molly said.
With the right resources and healthcare treatment, recovery is possible no matter a person’s status. With your donation today, you can help CKF Addiction Treatment expand our Bridgehouse Program so women like Molly, struggling with an addiction, can begin their recovery journey.