Over 200 individuals gathered at Bill Burke Park in Salina, KS this past Saturday to kick off National Recovery Month by participating in the 3rd Annual CKF Color Run for Recovery. This event aimed to raise awareness for addiction health care and bring together those struggling with a Substance Use Disorder. CKF is working towards removing the stigma around addiction/recovery and is constantly promoting National Recovery Month to make it as prominent as Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This week’s event was undoubtedly a step in the right direction.
Bill Burke Park was filled with festivities celebrating those on their recovery journey. At 9:00 AM, the horn blared, and the runners were off in a cloud of colored smoke. Runners had the opportunity to participate in a 5k or 1 mile route. At checkpoints on the route, volunteers would spray runners with colored powder. After the race, thanks to the Bennington State Bank, everyone enjoyed biscuits and gravy with a complementary banana.
During breakfast, Seth Dewey shared his recovery story, encouraging those who were at the beginning of their journey. Seth has advocated for recovery efforts in Kansas since his recovery journey began in 2017. Seth’s passion lies in the health and rights of people who use a substance and improving the systems to create more opportunities for recovery and the many paths one can take on their journey.
Thank you to our sponsors for helping make this a successful event – Bennington State Bank, Icon Structures Inc., Nex-Tech Wireless, Salina Regional Health Foundation, and Aubrey Jane with American Family.
To view all the photos from the event, please visit CKF 3rd Annual Color Run for Recovery by Sweet Peach Photography (pixieset.com)
If you attended the event, your feedback is greatly appreciated. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SH89GTJ
Hope to see you next year on September 7th for the 4th Annual Color Run for Recovery!